Who we are

We are delivering performers since 1990

We commit ourselves to giving understudies a music instruction that offers quick progression in the down to earth utilization of an instrument, while concentrating on regions of hypothesis, method, singular creation, backup, and perusing of music. Proficient and gave staff of Ensemble Music School will dependably be focused on concentrating on the individual understudy's close to home dominance of their melodic desire, while guaranteeing the understudy encounters the delight and fulfillment, that accompanies full understanding and execution of awesome music.


Ensemble Music School is driven by its author Neelakanth Rao Batchu who both accompany an aggregate affair of more than 32 years in music. Their affection for music and conferring training separated them from their influential positions at two of India's driving International music Standards. With a devoted and like mindedly enthusiastic group they mean to incorporate it with a main and world class association equipped towards meeting the points of Ensemble's vision.